Online Group Training Program
Join over 100+ strong women & reach your fitness goals with confidence boosting workouts from the comfort of your home.
- 30 Days of Comprehensive Programming & Versatile HIIT, Strength & Conditioning
- Workouts 4 days per week targeting fat loss & body toning
- Each session 45 minutes to 1 hour
- Extra workout routine on every Monday & Wednesday
- Get a Nutritional Follow along guideline for the month
- Access to Private Facebook Group to SheActive Challengers Community to share your journey with a bunch of strong women
- How to train effectively in a shorter amount of time to achieve results and never plateau
- Consistency & discipline with the routine
- New functional movements that require only your body weight
- How to plan your meals and guidance on nutrition for reaching your fitness goal
- Mindset behind fitness success & adopting “never give up attitude!”
Designed for all fitness levels from beginner to advanced.
Join the time that best suits your lifestyle – morning or evening classes.
All that is required is very minimal equipment: yoga mat & a pair of dumbbells (optional)
Sign Up Fee: 4500 BDT